Thursday, June 24, 2010

On My Own...

ID Week is coming next week. It is an annual event organized by Interior Design Department, TOA. Only 3 more days to go and I am feeling so nervous and unprepared. Unable to rest well at night, thinking of it all the time, yet, there are always seems to be something missing somewhere, there are always something that I missed out. 

I have done so many different events, but this is the only time where I feel so helpless. I am totally on myself for EVERYTHING from the beginning until the end. 

Of course I have people from other department helping by execute my planning. But, what if I missed out something? Exactly like what has happened this few days. I feel bad for making such mistakes. I feel bad for troubling other people. I feel horrible for not making the planning right. I feel pressure when my boss questions my decisions. I feel upset when I feel so weak. 

I LOVE doing event, I really do. But, what motivate me to move on is actually the people. 

When I was a student, my friends and committees were my motivation to move on. We shared the happiness and sadness. We cursed together. We "OT" together. We fought for our rights and benefits together. Although we argue, the process and end result always brought satisfaction and happiness. 

When I was a DSA officer, students were my motivation to move on. Looking at them growing  from event to event, again brought my satisfaction to the max. We always tried our hardest to make an event the best. And I always tried hardest to ensure that students received appreciation for their contribution. Maybe some students hate me, but I know there are always some who love me. 

An event is always our baby. We gave birth to it and nurture it with our heart. That's why it meant more than anything to us. 

Now, I am doing event again. But, there is just no one there with me. Because, everybody are just merely doing their job. The event does not mean anything to them AT ALL.

I used to be very confident and proud of myself. Now, I don't anymore. Worst still, I start doubting my own capability. Maybe I just can't do anything right. Maybe I am just a lousy planner. 

I know I shouldn't carry on like this. I know I should stand up and prove myself. But, I really can't do it now. I don't know what else I can do, that's why I beg for encouragements, hoping that it will help me to feel better. Or maybe I will just feel better after today. I really hope so. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010










繼 之前的「敗犬」一詞在日本、台灣非常熱門之後,最近我又聽到了一個新的名詞「朽女」,朽女的意思就是指一個女生在一段穩定的感情關係中,不再重視自己的外 表、懶得改變、忽略自己需求,因為穩定的關係而懶散,不再追求進步,變得枯萎沒有朝氣,而開始變成一位失去魅力的女人,從正妹變成一位「朽女」。


我 相信許多女人都會有一個慣性,就是一段感情談久了,幾年過了,彼此都覺得對方是老夫老妻,不必像當初熱戀時期望去成為吸引對方的人,也少了熱情與浪漫,越 來越懶的結果,久而久之許多原本朝氣蓬勃、魅力四射的女人,變成了言語乏味的黃臉婆。原本會注重外表、懂得打扮的女人,也有可能因為戀愛久了覺得「打扮已 經不再重要」、「他是愛我的內在,所以外在不重要了」、「反正生活在一起再糟的一面都看過了,以後出門都素顏無所謂」、「我已經有男友了,所以不必擔心 啦」……,妳可以聽到很多女人會這麼安慰自己(甚至男友會安慰妳)。
更 何況有許多男人會跟女友說:「妳不必打扮了,這樣就很好看了!」、「妳不要怕變胖,我覺得妳胖一點比較好看!」、「妳不用化妝,我比較喜歡素顏的女生。」 諸如此類的,其實都是男人善意的謊言,或者是男人自以為「他不重視」的地方。因為男人永遠不知道,那些他喜歡的廣告女星是不是真的素顏,看起來不是刻意打 扮的其實都是造型師的裝扮,他說喜歡妳胖一點,但是當他看到妳胖到肥肉滿溢,老實說他真會覺得有一點掃興。



於 是當初為了對方會努力維持自己外貌的人放棄了,當初為了吸引對方而努力充實自己的人也放棄了,當初為了製造浪漫而精心安排的驚喜也放棄了,於是,約會時妳 不再會興奮的穿上高跟鞋、刷上睫毛膏,過夜時妳不再穿上可愛的睡衣和性感的內衣,和男友在一起時,妳不再撒嬌、耍耍可愛的脾氣,而是在他想吻妳的時候跟他 討論明天別忘了繳手機費...


不 能因為沒有約會,就自暴自棄的放棄自己的外表,每天邋遢出門,因妳永遠不知道妳今天會不會遇到白馬王子。女人不能因為一段關係穩定,就可以理所當然的覺得 男友應該接受妳真實又醜陋的一切,因為老實說,男人一輩子都是視覺的動物,當妳放棄自己變成了「看起來比他老」的黃臉婆,當妳不再追求進步、充實自己,當 妳的生活重心只剩下她,卻失去了妳自己,當妳放任自己變成越來越沒有自信、魅力的女人......妳怎麼能要求男人一定要抱著「真愛」的匾額來愛妳不變, 而妳自己都不一定會喜歡妳自己了,要怎麼要求別人喜歡妳?
而 且,我一直相信,女人的「戀愛運」影響女人的美麗。也就是說,談了一段很棒、很快樂的戀愛的女人,是會越來越美,變的愛美。當妳氣色好、心情好、有自信, 自然會讓自己變成美女。但是,如果一個女人談了一段很不開心、很悲慘的戀愛,她會越來越枯萎,每天哭喪著臉、像是烏雲罩頂一般,每個人看到她都感受的出來 「她心情真的很不好」,再怎麼美麗的女人,也會因為「愛不對人」而變的醜陋。





Friday, June 4, 2010

"Happy" Hour

Went to The Opera, Sunway Pyramid for Happy Hour with Renee and Candy yesterday. We were expecting it to be rather relaxing and comfortable. In any case, we are supposed to go for "Happy Hour" but not clubbing.

In my definition for "Happy Hour", I am expecting to have a good chilling session in a pub, enjoying nice music, and nice company, basically, a nice relax session after work!

Clearly, it ends out not so happy and not so chill and we literally have to run away from there. Yeap! Run away! I have not seen us in such a horrible state for ages!

As most of you would have known, Sunway is one the most lively night hub in KV. Why did we choose The Opera over all the other clubs in Sunway area?

#1 It is a newly open club.
#2 It has all kinds of different performance every day. For Thursday, which also is Ladies Night, there are circus performance, fire dance, slave dance and etc. And to be honest, for few that I saw last night, it was really good!
#3 Ladies night, so no cover charge!

To be honest, I am not so sure on the market price for alcoholic drinks. Our drinks yesterday were RM88 for 2 jug of Heineken (which we also didn't get to finish in the end!!! GARHH!)

Photo taken from

After the first performance, then the nightmare started!

Guys from this certain table start buying us drinks and approaching our tables, and they just NEVER stop! They just keep coming and coming! Worst thing is one of the guys actually went over the border and try to kiss my friend! Knowing new friends is one thing, but this was really too much and over the boundaries! WTF!

Guys, if we are literally pushing you away and are not attentive to what you are saying, just get hint and leave! You might be here to look for ONS, but we are not! Damn it! It was only 10pm! In the end, neither do we enjoy the after-work-break, nor do we concentrate on the show.

Guess that I will stay away from Opera for awhile for the time being. GARHH!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010













The Secret To Madonna's Success

Me likes this ads. XD

Source: The Cool Hunter