Tuesday, November 10, 2015

台湾游记 - Day 1 (马来西亚 -> 桃园机场 -> 西门町)

这次到台湾的第一次体验是做 MAS (Malaysia Airline),也是我第一次坐 MAS 飞比较远的行程。上一次坐 MAS 也是飞到 Bangkok 罢了。

我只能说 MAS 实在是太棒了,我想我从此以后应该都不会再做 Air Asia 了。(话说,我 Air Asia 还有 25 k 的点数,看来得浪费了,再不然就拿来飞 local flight 吧。)

Tip: 不过飞 MAS 的朋友们,我的建议是,如果你没有预先买位子,就千万不要 online check in。因为你 online check in 时,会发现你能选的位子都是单独(而且是中间)的位子,就算是一起买机票,也不能选择坐在一起(而且上飞机后会发现你隔壁的位子根本就是空的!)。所以千万千万要到机场 check in,因为在 counter 你可以要求柜台把你和你的 partner 位子排在一起。当然,如果想要在飞机上有艳遇的朋友就另当别论了。 

而我,就是傻傻的 online check in 了,所以要到飞机上才临时和老公隔壁的旅客要求交换位子。运气很好的,一位好心的阿姨愿意和我们交换位子,所以我们能如愿以偿的坐在一起。(哪有人度蜜月是分开做的啊!)

一上到飞机,你就会发现枕头和棉被都已经准备好在位子上了,每个人都有哦。(不像 Air Asia 还要自己买)

然后,每个位子前面都有 build in entertainment set,一开始,我和老公都很疑惑怎么声音那么小声,到底要怎么看电影呢?殊不知,飞机起飞不久后,就会有空姐来派耳机了,实在太贴心了啦!

由于我是早上的飞机,所以我的 in flight meal 是早餐。极力推介 MAS 的 nasi lemak!真的很好吃,而且有好多新鲜的 sambal 虾!

Tip: MAS 的飞机餐是可以要求第二碟的。如果吃不饱,或者吃了还想再吃,可以和空姐 / 空少要求多一份。我们竟然回程才发现,所以错过了吃第二碟 nasi lemak 的机会,超哀怨的!而且,所有的饮料都可以无限量要求!我就要求不少过 5 杯的果汁吧。


Tip: 从马来西亚飞到台湾的朋友,记得在飞机上就和空姐 / 空少拿入境卡填写。不然到入境处的时候会很浪费时间的哦。

一下机,我们当然是立刻就去买台湾的吃到饱电话卡,建议是旅途中的其中一人拿就行了,其他人需要用的时候再 share hotspot 就行了。

我们也有去 sign up itaiwan 的 account,据说可以在很多地方上网。我个人认为,根本就不需要浪费时间 sign up,因为它的网速实在太太太太慢了,连图片都 load 不到。


Tip: 如果是自由行的朋友,建议一定要 install google map 在买电话卡的朋友的电话里。基本上在台湾,不管你要去哪里,google map 都会很清楚的建议所有可以选择的公共交通,超方便的!

所以我们也是跟着 google map 的建议,找到了到台北车站的巴士,很顺利的上了车。然后再通过捷运抵达了我们第一个目的地 - 西门町。




Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today my cousin told me that I should not be too definite about the facts that I am never ever going to stay at home as housewife, as we are never gonna know what's going to happen in future, which I agreed. 

BUT, although I do not know what's going to happen in future, I know my characteristic. I really don't think I am that kind of people who will just stay at home, take care of baby and wait for my husband to come home. It will be even worse when I am not financial independent, when I need to rely on my husband to give me allowance, when I need to ask permission for buying new gifts or going for a spa to pamper myself. 

Well, I admit, I most probably do not have the luck to marry a rich husband and be the "rich tai tai". 

BUT, I really enjoy my lifestyle now. Well, maybe not much on the working overtime, but in overall I still love my life. 

I love the fact that I am financial independent. I can do shopping anytime I want. I can pamper myself with whatever spa, pedicure, manicure. Although it brings some headache when I see my credit card bill, BUT I can spend MY money without asking for permission from my the other half. 

I love the fact that my husband-to-be is willing to give me freedom. I can hangout with my best friends anytime. I can have sleepover at best friends' house anytime. I can go out for a drink with my best friends at any time. Although it is quite torturing when I have hangover and have alcohol rashes, BUT it still worth it for all the fun that I have having. 

I love the fact that I felt that I am a woman now. I love to dress myself up with beautiful clothes and high hues. Although it is tiring to wake up in the morning and sometimes I get tired to dress myself up, BUT everything is worth when I receive compliment in the office. 

I love the fact that I am successful in my career. I love to be the problem solver, the planner, the angle, the saver in the office. Although it can be stressful when major events clashed in, BUT all the stress is gone the moment when my boss saw my performance and give monetary rewards. 

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I love the fact that I can be MYSELF. I can be who I am. Nobody is trying to change me. Of course, some advises will come in on and off for me to improve, but it aims to make me a better person. 

So, I am not sure if I will be contented to become a housewife in future, BUT I know that for NOW, becoming a housewife is definitely not what I want in life. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The FIRST Thanksgiving Letter

After doing so many batches of exhibitions, this is like the first time, yup, the first time ever I received a thanksgiving email from the students, and I am feeling really proud about it.

It is like, finally someone recognised and knew that you have been working hard at backstage. At least there is someone who does not take everything as granted, someone who knows that even though I may not be actually involved in creating those props, I contribute my time and effort too.



Dear Kimmie,

I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided when carrying out early preparatory work of the exhibition. Your assistance has been invaluable to me during this exhibition. Your advices and opinions helped me a lot not only on my creative team's tasks, but also my other team mates.Thank you for your constant encouragement and support.

Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

Best Regards,

Josephine Yee,
Creative Director of Graduation Exhibition 1101- Unsolved Case 1101.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Although it has always been difficult for me to wake up early in the morning, it still feel great to reach office early and I would have time to surf the internet before I start the work of the day. ;)

P/S: This status is not posted on Facebook as I always don't feel comfortable posting most of the status that are related to work.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Little Things in Life

It's the third day of Creative October 2013 and I am already dead tired. I have not been able to sleep till 2am since last Tuesday and it is really BAD!!

Creative October is one of our annual signature events whereby speakers are invited to conduct a sharing or workshop on topics which are not related to Interior Design. In fact, comparing to ID Week, this is actually an event where I can sort of relate more to myself.

This year, I have been really honored to be able to invite Michelle Teh from Nom Nom Media, a sub-company of Nuffnang to come to share about "Social Media vs. Lifestyle".

The sharing was light yet interesting. From my observation, the students and staff really enjoyed themselves, which is great!! It is definitely so much better especially comparing with the speaker on earlier day. Let's just not go into details for the earlier talk, as it is not going to sound nice.

When I first started blogging, I have always been really envy those bloggers who can just earn a living by just blogging. It seems easy, but it is definitely not easy AT ALL. You must be really passionate and maintain the consistency. Sadly, it happens to be quite difficult for me.

Anyway, starting blogging with the mindset of wanting to get famous and earn money is definitely not a good start.

After couple of years of trying (did I even tried?!), I finally figured out that blogging is just not my cup of tea. I can't even fulfill the simplest requirement - consistency. And so, I decided to give up and stop thinking about it. BUT, I have always remember Nuffnang, being such an important community for all the bloggers.

This round, when I was searching for blogging, I decided to engage Timothy Tiah, one of the founders of Nuffnang. Unfortunately, he was unable to make it due to some family reason. BUT, it was really kind of him to help to dedicate the task to his other colleagues - Michelle, which turns up to be a really great speaker!!

Somehow, I was thinking that, things really happened for a reason. Little things in life may not seems important, but one day, just one fine day, it is going to turn back and bring some impacts (regardless big or small) to our life.

It is really important to be appreciative on our daily life and be responsible to what we do and what we say, because I believe in karma. Things will always turn back to us at the most unexpected timing.


P/S: Correction to my previous post - Facebook vs. Blogging (http://newlife1126.blogspot.com/2013/10/facebook-vs-blogging.html), I have spoken with Michelle today over lunch, apparently the number of bloggers have been increasing on daily basis. Conclusion, probably it is only happening around my friends' circle.