Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The FIRST Thanksgiving Letter

After doing so many batches of exhibitions, this is like the first time, yup, the first time ever I received a thanksgiving email from the students, and I am feeling really proud about it.

It is like, finally someone recognised and knew that you have been working hard at backstage. At least there is someone who does not take everything as granted, someone who knows that even though I may not be actually involved in creating those props, I contribute my time and effort too.



Dear Kimmie,

I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided when carrying out early preparatory work of the exhibition. Your assistance has been invaluable to me during this exhibition. Your advices and opinions helped me a lot not only on my creative team's tasks, but also my other team mates.Thank you for your constant encouragement and support.

Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

Best Regards,

Josephine Yee,
Creative Director of Graduation Exhibition 1101- Unsolved Case 1101.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Although it has always been difficult for me to wake up early in the morning, it still feel great to reach office early and I would have time to surf the internet before I start the work of the day. ;)

P/S: This status is not posted on Facebook as I always don't feel comfortable posting most of the status that are related to work.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Little Things in Life

It's the third day of Creative October 2013 and I am already dead tired. I have not been able to sleep till 2am since last Tuesday and it is really BAD!!

Creative October is one of our annual signature events whereby speakers are invited to conduct a sharing or workshop on topics which are not related to Interior Design. In fact, comparing to ID Week, this is actually an event where I can sort of relate more to myself.

This year, I have been really honored to be able to invite Michelle Teh from Nom Nom Media, a sub-company of Nuffnang to come to share about "Social Media vs. Lifestyle".

The sharing was light yet interesting. From my observation, the students and staff really enjoyed themselves, which is great!! It is definitely so much better especially comparing with the speaker on earlier day. Let's just not go into details for the earlier talk, as it is not going to sound nice.

When I first started blogging, I have always been really envy those bloggers who can just earn a living by just blogging. It seems easy, but it is definitely not easy AT ALL. You must be really passionate and maintain the consistency. Sadly, it happens to be quite difficult for me.

Anyway, starting blogging with the mindset of wanting to get famous and earn money is definitely not a good start.

After couple of years of trying (did I even tried?!), I finally figured out that blogging is just not my cup of tea. I can't even fulfill the simplest requirement - consistency. And so, I decided to give up and stop thinking about it. BUT, I have always remember Nuffnang, being such an important community for all the bloggers.

This round, when I was searching for blogging, I decided to engage Timothy Tiah, one of the founders of Nuffnang. Unfortunately, he was unable to make it due to some family reason. BUT, it was really kind of him to help to dedicate the task to his other colleagues - Michelle, which turns up to be a really great speaker!!

Somehow, I was thinking that, things really happened for a reason. Little things in life may not seems important, but one day, just one fine day, it is going to turn back and bring some impacts (regardless big or small) to our life.

It is really important to be appreciative on our daily life and be responsible to what we do and what we say, because I believe in karma. Things will always turn back to us at the most unexpected timing.


P/S: Correction to my previous post - Facebook vs. Blogging (http://newlife1126.blogspot.com/2013/10/facebook-vs-blogging.html), I have spoken with Michelle today over lunch, apparently the number of bloggers have been increasing on daily basis. Conclusion, probably it is only happening around my friends' circle.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Facebook vs. Blogging

Just clear the list of friends' blogs that I used to follow. Sadly, now there are only three left. Out of that three, there are only one who is still actively updating.

In Facebook, I have 1,100 friends and I can never finish reading my news feed.

Somehow I start wondering how many people are still blogging.

Nowadays, most people prefer to update their status or take a photo of themselves and it can be easily uploaded to Facebook at anywhere, as long as they have a smart phone and iPad which can connected to Internet.

For the past few months, every time when I felt like blogging, I was too lazy to switch on my laptop and start typing. I tried to download blogspot/ blogger application through App Store couple of months ago and there were no such apps.

Then, I write to download some diary apps and attempt to start writing through my iPad and somehow it just felt different comparing to me sitting down in front of my computer and type.

And yet, I do not feel like posting on Facebook because I think it was too public and I just feel weird to make such a public announcement at times.

I have always find that it is difficult to upload photos to blogspot, especially most of my photos are in my iPhone.

Somehow I felt that blogspot has not been improving along with the ever changing technology.

I have been seeing some China blogging platform where they allowed user to direct upload pictures to the blogging server and it would be so much easier for us to insert photos to our blog entry.

Anyway, it is just a random thought when I was clearing the list.

Life Update

This is my second blog post of the day. Well, since I am in the mood, might as well just write more huh? I would never know when is the next time that I might write again.

I am feeling so much better after my last blog. This shows the power of blogging. Although I am doubtful at times if anyone ever read my blog, but still it was extremely useful to help me to release my stress, tension and emotion.

Anyone, if anyone does read my blog, I just would like to have a little life update on myself.

I have friends who I can have dinner with, I can joke with, but all of them are my colleagues. I barely have any extra time to hang around or catch up with my uni friends or friends of other social groups.

I went shopping at least once a month, but my only shopping partner is my boyfriend, who has now became my fiance.

I have a bright career, but my average working hours is from 9am to 9pm, sometimes even go up to 12am.

I have regular exercise, I practiced yoga on weekly basis, but the class location is in my office and I get back to work immediately after my class.

I have irregular period.

I have dinner every night but the meals are irregular.

Conclusion: I have a normal yet unhealthy lifestyle. I have all the criteria of how a normal life should be like and yet all seems unhealthy.


It has been awhile since I last blogged.

I have not been in the mood to blog, nor do I have the time to blog.

But, it has not been an exact good day for me.

Today, I have unintentionally hurt a friend of mine. A friend that I have never meant to treat him as such. He is one of the colleagues that I would never want to hurt. He has always been so kind, so supportive, so friendly and so helpful.

I was being rude, impatient, and I said things without thinking. Although things were said out of stress and I did not meant it. What was done cannot be done and the feeling sucks.

I has been trying so hard to control my emotion and today I just lost it. It should not happened and I shall not let it happen ever again.

I think it might be the hormone. I know my period is coming soon. Whatever. Stop giving myself excuses.

Just remember the mistakes and do not repeat it again.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

So Simple - Stacie Orrico

(It could all be so simple, simple)

Don't need high heels
For a good feel
You can keep the fancy clothes
I'll take walkin in the rain
Over things material
I'll trade Melrose and the big names
Give me faces that I know
Just play a melody that everybody knows

Take it down, down, down
And strip it to the core
I don't really need much less is more, more, more

True to life, true to me
The way it's got to be
So simple, so simple, so simple
Live to love, love to be
Absolutely free
(so simple, so simple, simple)

Give me wisdom, plain and truthful
Teach me somethin I don't know
Plain as education, inspiration I suppose (yeah yeah)
Give me family, on a Sunday
And I'll be just fine
There's nothing in the world
That's worth more of my time

Take it down, down, down
And strip it to the core
I don't really need much less is more, more, more


Livin my dream, is my song to the world
(let 'em hear it)
Sharin' my soul and spirit
I'm hopin that you hear it
Got one (one) life (life) to live (live)
It's only what you make it (make it)
Every new day's a chance worth takin


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

走在红毯那一天 - 彭佳慧

算一算时间 认识他也好几年
看一看身边 好朋友都有好姻缘
只剩下我 只剩下你 还继续
苦守寒窑 一等十八年
有些事 急也没有用 我了解
我不想 人老珠黄 才被人送作堆
走在红毯那一天 矇上白纱的脸
微笑中留下的眼泪 一定很美
走在红毯那一天 带上幸福的戒
有个人 廝守到永远 是一生所愿
数着时间的日子 一点也不好过
到哪天 他的良心 才会发现
女人啊 要找个真诚的男人
哪有那么难 真有那么难









那些亲戚又不是没有结过婚,他们怎么会不明白结个婚有多贵 =.= 


就算样子多baby face,我始终都逼近30了。。。

Saturday, January 19, 2013

梦想 Dream

‎"I have my dream." 
The reason that keep me going. o(^_-)O



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

转载:小S 20條幸福女人名言金句


  1. 不需要追求跟你的男人有聊不完的話!男人就是男人,能在寒風中緊緊抓著他的手臂,就是一種幸福!想聊到昏天暗地、欲罷不能,那是姐妹淘的事!強求,反而辛苦!就安靜的跟你的男人吃頓飯吧!
  2. 男人啊!女人不是不了解你!是看穿你了,懶得理你!或是看穿你了,不想忍你!最常是看穿你了,但決定陪你演下去!
  3. 有幸找到疼你的男人,就要每天抱著感謝的心情、溫柔的對他、溫柔的看他、溫柔的跟他說話、別耍脾氣自以為是公主,少說討人厭的話,多說你感謝他、愛他!這樣才值得別人疼你!
  4. 挑男人沒別的,就是要疼你,任他再有錢、再有才華、再帥、口才再好、智慧再高、能力再強、孝順感動天、大愛助眾生,不疼你,一點屁用都沒有!
  5. 當你需要依附在男人身上才過的下去,他就不會覺得你有魅力了。你自己也可以把人生打點好,但偶爾露出沒有他不行的樣子,他就會覺得自己好重要而且你也好迷人!
  6. 不需要花心思討好討厭你的人,多解釋反而狼狽,就讓他隨心所欲的討厭你吧!花心思討好你愛的人、愛你的人,值得太多了!
  7. 男人真的無法了解我們有多少話可以聊!不管多細微的想法都可以分享,多無聊的感受都可以形容,女人,沒有姐妹淘怎麼辦啊?


  1. 當你急于想證明自己有內容的時候,卻常常顯得很淺薄。當你極力想展現自己很性感時,卻容易顯得很可笑。有時反而當你放松時,卻不小心看起來有種自在的魅力!
  2. 如果你要說:這件事你不要跟別人說喔!那你幹脆就別說!因為此事一定會傳出去的,聽者也會跟別人講,這件事我只跟你說喔!哪天事情傳出去了,不要怪別人,因為真正的大嘴巴其實是自己!
  3. 他們一定覺得我……我不去他們一定會……大家一定都在背後說我……人常常不小心把自己想得太重要,殊不知,大家只希望把自己的人生過好,別人的事,聊聊就算,所以真的不太需要在乎別人的想法,就像你也不是真的很在乎別人的生活!
  4. 聽到別人跟你有非常不同的觀念,有時會很生氣,但氣了也不能改變他,只好試著去理解為何他會有這種觀念,跟他平行,不一定要交集!
  5. 一直覺得別人瞧不起自己,有兩種可能性:1被害妄想症2知道自己太多有可能被別人瞧不起的秘密!不然人真的沒那麼愛瞧不起別人,因為人通常比較在乎自己!
  6. 不因為別人跟你不同就憎恨他!不因為跟你一樣的人比較多就覺得世界應該長這樣,狹隘,是仇恨的根源、是倒退的主因!


  1. 昨天錄影,來賓說有兩個問題很不禮貌:1怎麼還不結婚?2怎麼還不生小孩?我覺得,怎麼看起來那麼累?也是個令人發火的問題!關心,有時就是個美麗的包裝,打開之後,發現裏面放了一把劍。
  2. 抱怨不是壞事,但要找對人抱怨!剛跟大s抱怨了一下今天很累……現在整個人精神又來了!找錯人抱怨,他可能不但不想聽,還會跟別人說你是個不知足的傢夥!不然抱怨,其實是健康的!
  3. 別人嗆到的時候,不要問他:你還好吧?要不要喝水?因為一邊咳嗽還要一邊回答問題,很難受!大家就聊別的,讓他盡情的咳個夠!拍拍他背,讓他知道你們有在關心就好!
  4. 有的時候會對生活中的一切,都覺得很習慣,看著身邊的人也覺得很理所當然,可是只要稍微一感受,就會發現自己有多愛他們,多感謝這一切,當這種感覺來的時候,就要說出來!
  5. 這個方法我現在用在每一個人身上,只要有人跟我對看,我就對他微笑,你會發現生活變得愉快起來,而且自己跟別人都變得比較討人喜歡!
  6. 當別人怕你的時候,就什麼都不會跟你講了,父母亦然、同事亦然、朋友亦然,我與其被過于尊敬,還不如被輕松喜歡。
  7. 長輩沒別的,就是有空陪他們吃飯,說一些令他們開心的話!如果總是在想自己有多愛家人,卻一直沒空陪他們,至少打個電話問候一下,你心裏縱有再濃的愛,藏在裏面,不說不做,別人真的不知道!不要一回頭才遺憾,我當時為什麼不……

Tuesday, January 8, 2013






不敢吃应该是最大的突破,毕竟我向来都很注重吃这个part。一餐当两餐吃,能不吃就不吃,一份食物能分几次吃完就分几次,晚上都去7-Eleven买速食。好吧,我听起来也觉得自己可怜,果然over budget了就是这样啊 =.=

宝贝刚刚给了我一笔钱。他应该是忍不住看我继续虐待自己吧 =.= 我自己其实是真的觉得还好,我也很阿Q的告诉自己这是个减肥的机会,虽然最后可能会有营养不良的几率 @.@ (我是真的觉得应该不会那么严重啦~)毕竟我刚出院没有多久,而且还是因为肠胃问题进去的,我想我真的吓到他了吧~ 最后,答应了宝贝我每一餐都会吃,吃多吃少由我决定,不过,只要有吃,怎么都比没有吃健康多了吧~

那笔钱,可能的话,我真的不想用,毕竟我向来都没有伸手和男人拿钱花的习惯。当作帮他先拿着,月尾再存起来吧~ 我也只能这样安慰自己让自己好过点了。

Tuesday, January 1, 2013













