Monday, February 13, 2006


I think I am to do very badly for any of my mid term this semeseter... No tips... No nothing... The only I have is notes... notes... and notes...

I can't imagine what will happen if I don't have any tips at all even if in the final exam... I definitely will score very badly... I probably will fail...

Are we too dependent on tips? Is it when there is no tips, it will become the end of the world? Sadly enough... The answer would be "yes" for me...

I just had a Comm Research Method mid term this morning... I was so shock when I see the questions... 50 % for essay, 40 % for short answer, and ONLY 10% for MCQ... I was actually hoping to score in MCQ... Ya... I could answer all the MCQ questions, BUT, it is only 10%!!!

I was really trying my very best to study last night... I did... It just I feel sleepy... I feel stressful.. When I look at the notes... I see the words... But I can't remember... There are just too many things to study... Haih.... Just hoping that I can get at least above 50 for this paper...

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